They say time flies. It flies really fast sometimes. Sometimes it is just mind-boggling to find out it is FRIDAY AGAIN ALREADY.
Time is on my side this time though I think. I decided to deplete some of my yarn stash and make hats for my family for Christmas this year. That would include 12 grandkids, 6 kids, and 5 significant others/spouses. I am currently on hat #9. So far, so good. Still need to also knit a baby sweater for #12. Yes, 2 grandbabies coming yet this year...mid October and late December. At the rate I am going, maybe next year they will all get a scarf...lots of yarn to use up.
I love the Fall, the smell of fresh air, you can finally open the windows again for a few months and get the house aired out.
I love the smell of campfires...and the beautiful colors the trees exhibit.
Fall is time for Harvest if you are in the North, time for planting if you are in the South. I started some seeds for planting already that will be ready to plant in the ground here in just a few weeks. Tomatoes, peppers, and eggplant. The tomatoes have already poked their heads up thru the peat pots and are about 2" tall...some are still hiding but they will come out soon.
Yesterday, August 31st, marked the 1 year anniversary for living in our new home. It has been a very full year, and just flew by. I think I will miss the change of seasons but life is good.