Tuesday, July 5, 2011

A 4H Farm Visit

On Saturday this past week, we had visitors.  Mom, Grandmother, Granddaughter and Grandson!  The Granddaughter in particular, Kennedy, is in 3rd grade.  She wants to be a vet when she grows up.  That is a great aspiration.  She wanted to visit our farm because she is working on a 4H project this year for the Bartholomew County Fair.  Her project is on the Vetinary science of the Alpaca.  She had a whole list of questions, I believe they all got answered.  We have one alpaca, Maggie, who was due 2 weeks ago and we hoped that she would be delivering our first Cria (baby alpaca) that morning, but Maggie didn't think it was such a good idea.  So we wait.  Kennedy wants to come back out after the baby is born.  She hopes that it happens before the fair so she can add that to her poster project. The poster has to be turned in on Friday this week so we'll see.  It was a very good visit.

Revelation Chapter 2

  Revelation Chapter 2 To the Church in Ephesus   “To the angel of the church in Ephesus write: These are the words of him who holds the sev...